Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thing 23/Yeah I Made it Through!!!!

WOW I finished and did it before the deadline.
I'm glad I took this "journey". I had my reservations at first since I'm not really into technology and don't really spend much time on the web...but...this experience and these "things" were eye opening. I really didn't realize how vast the web is and what you can find out there. Now I do, and even though I felt some of it was junk (particularly on YouTube) it has a great deal of applicability especially in our jobs at the library and for my kids. Now I have a better idea of what they do when they spend so much time on the computer.
I know I just scratched the surface but at least now I won't look crossed eyed when a customer asks me about "wikis" and if someone mentions the term "mashup", I know they aren't talking about potatoes. These "23 things" gave me a good general knowledge of many useful tools and hopefully I can pass some of this on in my day to day interactions. As time permits, I hope to explore further. I am enjoying the RSS feeds I subscribed to. It is a great way to get news and information without jumping all over different websites and it saves time.
Whoever thought of "23 things" should get the pat on the back. Thanks for making this available and thank you HCL for giving us the time to play and learn. This was a great learning experience!

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